Monday, August 27, 2012

Vocabulary Fall List #2

Intercede-  to plead on behalf on someone else.
 Hackneyed-  used so often as to lack freshness or origionality.
 Approbation-  the expression of approval or favorable opinoin, praise.
 Innuendo-  a hint, indirect suggestion or reference.
 Coalition-  a combination, union, or merger for some specific reason. 
 Elicit-  to draw forth, bring out form some source.
 Hiatus-  a gap, opening, break (in the sense that an element is missing)
 Assuage-  to make easier or milder, to relieve; to quiet, calm; to put an end to, to satisfy, appease, quench.
 Decadence-  decline, decay, or deteriouration; excessive self-indugence.
 Expostulate-  to attempt to dissuade someone from some course or decision by earnest reasoning.
 Simulate-  to make a pretense of, to imitate.
 Jaded-  wearied, worn-out, dulled.
 Umbrage-  shade cast by trees; overshadowing influence or power.
 Prerogative-  a special right or privilage.
 Lurid-  causing shock, horror, or revulsion; pale, or sallow in color.
 Transcend-  to rise above or beyond; to exceed.
 Provincial-  pertaining to an outlying area; local; narrow in mind or outlook; countrified in the sense of being limited or backward
 Petulant-  peevish, annoyed by trifles, easily irritated or upset.
 Unctuous-  excessivley smooth or smug; trying to hard to give an impression of eagerness, sincerity, or peity.
 Meritorious-  worthy, deserving of praise and recognition.

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