Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Best of American Literature

I honestly did not think very hard on this subject.  As soon as I saw Dr. Preston's post about this topic, I immediatly thought of my book.  Those 122 pages were and still are the greatest accomplishment of my small, puny, insignificant life (the reason I say those things is because they are, of course, the truth.  I'm 1 in 6 billion, and as of yet, too young to make an impact.  For now, at least).  But yes, my novel has been the highlight of my Junior year as a whole, not just from English 3. 

And for those of you who said you wanted to read it, go ahead and leave your email adress in the comments, and I will send you a snippet.  Sorry, but that's all my editor will let me give away.

CA out.

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