Ad infinitum- To infinity; endlessly; without limit.
Apportion- To distribute or allocate proportionally; divide and assign according to some rule of proportional distribution: to apportion expenses among the three men.
Bona fide- 1) Made, done, or presented in good faith; W/o deception or fraud. 2) Authentic, true.
Buoyant- Attempting to float in a liquid. Capable of keeping a body afloat. Not easily depressed, cheerful. Cheering or invigorating.
Clique- A small, exclusive group of people.
Concede- To acknowledge as true, just, or proper. To acknowledge before something is officially established.
Congenial- Agreeable, suitable, or pleasing in nature or character. Suited or adapted in spirit.
Lofty- Extending high into the air; of imposing height; towering. Exalted in rank, dignity, and character.
Migration- The process or act of moving a group of people, animals, or things, from one place to another.
Perceive- To become aware of, know, or identify by means of the senses.
Perverse- Willfully determined or disposed to go counter to what is expected or desired; contrary
Prelude- Any action that comes before another action.
Rancid- A rank, unpleasant, stale smell or taste, especially as through decomposition.
Rustic- Of, pertaining to, or living in the country, as distinguished from cities and towns. Simple, artless, or unsophisticated. Uncouth, rude, or boorish.
Sever- To separate a part from a whole as by cutting or the like.
Sordid- Morally ignoble or base; vile.
Untenable- Incapable of being defended, as in an argument or thesis.
Versatile- Capable of or adapted for turning from one thing to another of various tasks.
Vindicate- To clear, as in an accusation, imputation, suspicion, or the like.
Wane- To decrease in ferocity, intensity, ect.
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